Southern White Rhinoceros, tragically hundreds of these beautiful animals have been slaughtered in South Africa in this year alone. Their horns actually have NO medicinal value, they consist of the same material as our fingernails. So sad to think of the dangers faced by this amazing animal, just for human greed. Excuse the crummy photo quality, the sun wasn't even up yet when I took this so the ISO needed to be cranked up.
Zebra crossing! They looked so pretty with the sun in their manes. :)
African Elephant- I saw many of eles, including some tiny (by elephant standards anyway!) calves, I felt very privileged to get so close to a wild elephant
Impala keeping a wary eye on a male cheetah as he walks off in the distance. Just before I took this the cheetah had sprayed a sign and walked straight past our vehicle. It was a very lucky sighting as he was visible very briefly, and cheetah are by far the least common big cat in Kruger.
And last up, a bombardment of leopard photos. Apparently many people visit Kruger many, many times and never see a single leopard as they are largely nocturnal and very secretive. What a privilege to see not only one leopard, but four- a stunning adult male, and a shy female with two tiny cubs. My guide had never seen cubs that young before, they are usually kept hidden. We assumed that the mother was moving the cubs between hiding places.
Here's the male...
and the female...
...and one of the tiny cubs
I've got a few more photos on Flickr:
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