Bella and I have finally hit the show ring!
We almost didn't make it as Bella had only just recovered from a nasty injury to her foot which had needed stitches, but we ended up entering our first show together on Sunday the 27th of May. On the Saturday, I was lucky enough to be offered the opportunity to handle a friend's Saluki, Layla, which was really exciting. She was so different to Bella!
Layla won Intermediate of Breed, Bella won Junior Bitch and Reserve Challenge. I had a lot of fun, I think Bella did too, but her highlight was playing mad games with Arya the Borzoi (her favourite playmate). It was really lovely to hang out with so many friends and their dogs, I'm really looking forward to doing it again. Our next show is on the 23rd of June. :)
New Saluki friends Layla and Saffie
Me with Layla
Bella and Arya playing
Bella waiting warm and snug for her turn in the ring
With her ribbons
If you're interested in sighthounds (Salukis, Borzoi, Greyhounds, Whippets, Afghans etc.) you might be interested in visiting my forum. It's still very small, I'd love it to grow into a fun and friendly community of people who love sighthounds. Simply Sighthounds Forum
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