Last Saturday I entered Bella in the two Murray Valley Kennel Club shows held that day. It was rather strange going all the way up to Monarto but NOT going to the zoo (I will get around to posting photos of Zombi's baby soon!). We were accompanied by Mum and my good friend Francis, who was for the most part the photographer for the day.
Bella was so much more relaxed and confident than she'd been at previous shows, not shy at all around the many other dogs. I was so chuffed, she's getting there! We sat near the Gundog ring to watch (we could see the Hound ring from there as well, so it was a very good spot), and Bella was very curious about the Welsh Springer Spaniels, St Bernard, German Short-haired Pointers and Hungarian Vizsla puppies who were hanging out in the same area. I had a little 'squee' over a baby puppy Golden Retriever myself!
Bella was the only Saluki bitch entered at both shows, and came away each time with a 6 point Challenge Certificate. The dog Jesse, (again, the only one at the shows) won Best of Breed both times. Bella moved beautifully for me in the ring, though on her first time going around she got a bit excited and I needed to put the brakes on! Just before going in for the second show she stacked perfectly for me while practicing, standing very still and alert like a pro. When we got in there for the real thing she carried on like she had ants in her pants, fidgeting like nobody's business! I put it down to her picking up on my nerves. She did gait for me perfectly though, so she redeemed herself. :)
So... Bella now has 18 points towards her Championship, and most importantly we had a very fun day out. We were both completely cream crackered by the time we got home- two shows in one day sure is a tiring thing to do! We probably won't be able to go to any more until November, but I'm looking forward to when we do. :)